This package includes the "Biblical Shepherding", "Biblical Bread", "Biblical Donkey Riding", an unlimited "Bibicle Feast" (Hafla), plus complimentary access to the "Water Gate" and "Carrier Pigeon" experience.At the "Biblical Winepress" activity, you'll stomp grapes in the traditional wine press, filter the juice until you get delicious fresh grape juice which you'll drink "L'chaim" (to life).At the "Biblical Shepherding" activity, you'll meet goats and sheep, try your hand at shearing and spinning, milk the animals yourself, and make surprisingly tasty shepherd's cheese.At the "Biblical Bread" activity, you'll work at the threshing floor, learn about ancient farming techniques, and bake pitas in a traditional dome oven, which you'll dip in olive oil and za'atar (a delicious herb mix).Then, you'll visit the "Biblical Donkey Riding" and enjoy riding on the world's most ancient mode of transportation. The experience concludes with an unlimited "Biblical Feast" (Hafla).
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Special Passover activity package at Kfar Kedem.
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